Presenting the model of the youth of the population and the promotion of national power from the perspective of the supreme commander of the forces (based on the Strauss-Corbin model)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Corresponding author: Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Department of Basic Sciences, Farabi University, Tehran, Iran.


National power, as one of the most important pillars of countries' predominance in the international arena, is influenced by many factors, including the category of population, of course, the favorable effect of this component also has many side conditions and characteristics, and the population component, as one of the fixed factors of geopolitics, If you have favorable conditions such as quality, being young, skilled, and expert, etc., it can be an effective and effective driving force in accelerating the process of development and excellence of countries, which, of course, is a comprehensive issue, capable of being extended to all societies, including I.R. Iran has and the abundance of quality population can clearly play a role even in the fields of defense, military and security. Accordingly, this applied research has a qualitative approach and has an exploratory interpretation paradigm And "Foundation Data" is trying to explain in a clear format the relationship between the youth of the population and the promotion of national power by using the teachings emanating from the thoughts of the Supreme Leader (Madazaleh) and in this regard, after extracting about 90 concepts, the main categories of classification and statistics And based on the systematic method of Strauss-Corbin, the systematic model of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief's thinking regarding the relationship between the youth of the population and the promotion of national power has been presented.


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