Compilation of population youth model with emphasis on having children (A case study of employees of Kermanshah police command)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Associated Professor of Sociology, Eslam Abad-E-Gharb Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eslam Abad-E-Gharb, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Payam-e-Noor University


One of the main issues in our society, which today requires attention and timely and appropriate planning for it, and is among the priorities of the country's policies, is the issue of having children. The purpose of this article is to study the sociological study of childbearing with the approach of contextual theory in Kermanshah city. research method in terms of qualitative approach; In terms of practical purpose; In terms of the method of collecting information, the basic theory and the research tool were semi-structured and in-depth interviews. The statistical population consisted of 49 military personnel, which were investigated with a targeted method. The results show the improvement of lifestyle, the restoration of social capital, the change of attitudes, the reduction of economic fear and panic, the reduction of worries and restrictions caused by childbearing, the reduction of exaggerated childbearing instincts, the removal of accumulated concerns; The efficiency of the educational system, attention to health and hygiene, participatory policy making, the policy of supporting young couples, the participation of thinkers and experts, facilitating marriage, managing demographic factors, the progress of the country at all levels, and strengthening the culture of self-sacrifice are among the most important factors in increasing childbearing. are in society.


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