Differences caused by generation gap in Iranian families: a phenomenological study

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Counseling Department, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Counseling Department of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.


Today, Iranian society is a society in transition. Among the characteristics of societies in transition are generational differences and generation gap, which brings challenges for society and family. The aim of the current research was to phenomenologically investigate how parents face the phenomenon of close gap and to identify relative differences in Iranian families. In this study, the researcher has collected the lived experience of families by using the phenomenology method and conducting semi-structured interviews with 12 parents with children aged 18 to 24 years. The results obtained after the 7-step analysis of the interviews showed that: the generation of parents and children experience many differences in personality traits, interactions, entertainment, financial and economic issues, values and opinions, and issues related to marriage. Parents' behaviors in facing the generation gap are also related to two main themes; Positive performance and negative performance are divided. Behaviors including; Conversation, creating joint entertainment, adopting an equal position, acceptance, openness, creating family unity, etc. have led to the reduction of the generation gap, and behaviors such as; Comparing, violence and disconnection, physical and verbal aggression, coercion, etc. have a negative effect on the generation gap. If parents can stop negative behaviors in the face of generational differences and replace them with positive behaviors, two generations in the family can have a constructive interaction in the shade of awareness and acceptance of generational differences and avoid the challenges caused by the generational gap.


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