Improvement Effectiveness of Population Policies in Iran at framework of models: Demographic Transition; Household Economic and Measuring Proximate Determinants of Fertility

Document Type : Review paper


Secretariat of National Headquarters of Population


Several demographic models and theories at the micro and macro level have focused on demographic changes. In this article, an attempt was made to examine the relationship between framework of each demographic models and theories with national policies and laws related to population by using statistical evidence. These surveys showed that in the framework of the population transition model: preventing zero or negative population growth and maintaining the young age structure of the population; In the framework of economic models of childbearing: making childbearing costs affordable; In the framework of the model of proximate determinants of childbearing: reversing the effect of indicators that prevent childbearing and reducing the effect of illegal abortion; and in the framework of the model of cultural factors: explanation, promotion, culturalization and modification of attitudes towards the status and value of having children, as well as providing awareness, counseling and specialized training to families in the field of having children and raising children, have been considered by the Family and Youth Protection Law. In the National Headquarters of Population, it is also possible to put executive strategies such as "providing support for plans and programs that promote the vitality and freshness of families in the public space of country", "face-to-face and neighborhood-oriented interaction in providing necessary general counseling and education to families" and the like on the agenda.
