Observation and monitoring of the national environment to increase the fertility rate

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student in future studies, Faculty and Research Institute of Hazrat ValiAsr(A.S), Imam Hossein(A.S) Comprehensive University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Tehran Iran.


.....The findings of the research showed that the variables of "relationships between spouses and unemployment rate" in this national environment are strategic variables and act very effectively. They can be manipulated and controlled and affect the dynamics and change of the system. The unemployment rate variable is called a risk variable because it has the capacity to become a key actor, i.e. it is affected by changes quickly and it also transmits these changes to other variables very quickly. The relationship variable between spouses is also called the target variable and displays the results of the system. In other words, by manipulating this variable, the system will undergo evolutionary changes. Also, the variable "high literacy level" was recognized as the most critical driver, which is more influential and less influential. In this environment, the drivers of "government economic incentives, expansion of social security coverage and social benefits and expenses" have very low impact and effectiveness and cannot be considered as strategic variables. Of course, "government economic incentives" are more effective than effective and can be used as a benchmark or measurement point. Finally, the variables "marital relations, life satisfaction and problems and concerns related to children and their future" do not have strategic properties due to their strong dependence on other variables and are more results than other variables.
